Discover the advantages of automating your NF-e processes!

With large amounts of documents issued daily, many growing companies realize the need to automate the Incoming and Outgoing Invoice processes. The benefits are diverse, mainly due to the ease of managing the documentation and finding it more quickly.

In addition, the storage of Invoices is mandatory for a period of 5 years, which also influences companies to adopt a system that keeps all documents organized.

We have separated 3 benefits for you to understand how the automation of NF-e processes generate more agility and efficiency in the company’s day to day:

  • Less expenses: optimizing the Invoice processes, the company will have less security expenses, since it will not need professionals to manage all the documentation and carry out the tax conference. With this, the company will be able to focus on other procedures and the team will have more productivity to perform the other tasks. In addition, there will be greater savings in terms of storage space and one-off maintenance costs.
  • Consultations at any time: a unified and automated solution allows all areas of the company to have access to Invoices from digital storage, optimizing time and keeping documentation in order. With the SEFAZ (Secretariat of Finance) system, companies can consult the status of Invoices whenever they want. The procedure is completely safe, as it requires login data and password.
  • More organized documents: with great demands for documents issued per day, it is essential to have organization so as not to lose any information that could compromise the company. Knowing where all the Invoices are guarantees their regularity and avoids having problems regarding the obligation to store them for a period of 5 years.

With this, your documents will be safe and stored in a single place, as well as your processes will be more simplified and organized without you having to access them manually. In addition, all areas of the company will be integrated, having access to all invoices issued.

Intragroup has comprehensive know-how in implementing SAP solutions to maximize your company’s results!

Contact us and have the ideal solution for your business.


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