Currently, the issuance of NF-e is mandatory for all companies that carry out commercial exchanges, mainly for sales, being a less costly and bureaucratic process.
However, the company must be careful when implementing it in operations, as it needs tax records.
And that’s exactly where XML comes in: Called eXtensible Markup Language, the XML file is a digital format of the NF-e so that commercial procedures are registered and archived safely, corresponding to the national bookkeeping standard and generated from the issuance of the Electronic Invoice.
Its main function is to store invoices online, with some information fields, such as:
NF-e data: here are entered numbers, dates that were issued, model, series and total amount.
Transport data: name of suppliers, vehicle identification and the amount of volume transported.
Product data: information about the description of the items, as well as how many there are and their respective values.
Issuer and recipient: addresses, CPF (if an individual) or CNPJ (legal entity) and corporate reasons.
Some other fields are also available, such as the ”Additional Information” that can be used according to the issuer’s need, and the ICMS (Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services), which provides the basis for PIS, Cofins etc. .
However, XML cannot be confused with DANFE (Documento Auxiliar de Nota Fiscal Eletrônica). The XML must be made available by the seller so that his client can consult it, preferably in PDF format.
In addition, it needs to be stored for a period of at least 5 years.
If the document is lost, the company may be subject to fines or fines.
Some benefits can be manifested in the integration of information, as they will be more organized, as well as complying with the law and having an efficient management of documentation.
Inbound NF-e is integrated with the Secretary of Finance, making XML’s approved by SEFAZ and automatically downloaded, compressing tax conference time and automating processes!
Discover this and other Intragroup solutions for your company!